Biologists of Aging needed at Haifa University

Haifa university

The University of Haifa Faculty of Natural Sciences is an independent, young and dynamic faculty striving towards excellence. The faculty is a biological research institution with more than 200 employees, and 2 campuses located in Oranim and the City of Haifa, Israel.  The Faculty encourages researchers to acquire, apply, and create knowledge through interdisciplinary, flexible, and collaborative programs and state of the art technologies by focusing on personal enrichment, and professional advancement especially in the field of aging biology.

We are actively expanding our research program in the genetics of aging and recruiting faculty members with a research focus in this field, especially those centered on cellular mechanisms of aging.

To facilitate such an aspiring project, the faculty is actively seeking highly motivated scientists for tenure-track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant / Associate Professor with a strong background in molecular biology and genetics. While previous experience in bioinformatics and data analysis is not necessary, this would certainly be an advantage. The area of interest involves the use of metabolomics and systems biology in model organisms to understand the ageing process. The positions will involve conducting lectures in Hebrew.

Please forward this message to people who may benefit from it.

For inquiries, please contact Prof. Gil Atzmon of the Department of Human Biology, Haifa University [email protected]

A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth Century

A History of Life Extensionism. Cover

A new book on the history of Life Extension research:

A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth Century

By Ilia Stambler, PhD

Freely available on line at

And as a hard copy at

Proceedings from the sales of this book will be donated to international longevity research and advocacy projects, for example Regional Longevity Outreach or Israeli Longevity Alliance or others.

You can find more information on the subject at:


Thank you for your interest and feedback!

The book Summary:

This work explores the history of life-extensionism in the 20th century. The term life-extensionism is meant to describe an ideological system professing that radical life extension (far beyond the present life expectancy) is desirable on ethical grounds and is possible to achieve through conscious scientific efforts.

This work examines major lines of life-extensionist thought, in chronological order, over the course of the 20th century, while focusing on central seminal works representative of each trend and period, by such authors as Elie Metchnikoff, Bernard Shaw, Alexis Carrel, Alexander Bogomolets and others. Their works are considered in their social and intellectual context, as parts of a larger contemporary social and ideological discourse, associated with major political upheavals and social and economic patterns.

The following national contexts are considered: France (Chapter One), Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland (Chapter Two), Russia (Chapter Three), the US and UK (Chapter Four).

This work pursues three major aims.

The first is to attempt to identify and trace throughout the century several generic biomedical methods whose development or applications were associated with radical hopes for life-extension. Beyond mere hopefulness, this work argues, the desire to radically prolong human life often constituted a formidable, though hardly ever acknowledged, motivation for biomedical research and discovery. It will be shown that novel fields of biomedical science often had their origin in far-reaching pursuits of radical life extension. The dynamic dichotomy between reductionist and holistic methods will be emphasized.

The second goal is to investigate the ideological and socio-economic backgrounds of the proponents of radical life extension, in order to determine how ideology and economic conditions motivated the life-extensionists and how it affected the science they pursued. For that purpose, the biographies and key writings of several prominent longevity advocates are studied. Their specific ideological premises (attitudes toward religion and progress, pessimism or optimism regarding human perfectibility, and ethical imperatives) as well as their socioeconomic conditions (the ability to conduct and disseminate research in a specific social or economic milieu) are examined in an attempt to find out what conditions have encouraged or discouraged life-extensionist thought. This research argues for the inherent adjustability of life-extensionism, as a particular form of scientific enterprise, to particular prevalent state ideologies.

The third, more general, aim is to collect a broad register of life-extensionist works, and, based on that register, to establish common traits and goals definitive of life-extensionism, such as valuation of life and constancy, despite all the diversity of methods and ideologies professed. This work will contribute to the understanding of extreme expectations associated with biomedical progress that have been scarcely investigated by biomedical history.

International Day of Older Persons – October 1 – Bar Ilan University


יום עיון ומפגש חברים

יום הקשיש הבינלאומי

ב-1 באוקטובר, יום רביעי, בשעה 12.00

יתקיים מפגש בנושא חקר ההזדקנות ואריכות החיים והשלכותיו החברתיות והמדיניות

המפגש יתקיים באוניברסיטת בר-אילן, בבניין כ”ץ (בניין 604) חדר 101 (ולא בבית הסטודנט כפי ההודעה הקודמת). הכניסה חופשית


12.00-12.30 – דר’ איליה סטמבלר (העמותה הישראלית להארכת חיים). תהליך ההזדקנות כשורש המחלות הכרוניות תלויות הגיל: השלכות למדיניות המחקר ובריאות הציבור

12.45-13.15 – דר יעקב בן שאול (העמותה הישראלית להארכת חיים). הערכה תפקודית לשאלת המשך העסקה בגילאי פרישה
13.30-14.00 – דיון חופשי אודות דרכים שבהם נוכל לקדם מודעות ציבורית לחקר ההזדקנות ואריכות החיים והשלכותיו המדיניות והציבוריות

כניסה חופשית

נקווה לראותכם

איליה סטמבלר

אירוע פייסבוק

Dear friends
On October 1, Wednesday, 12.00
In Honor of the International Day of Older Persons

There will take place the meeting on aging and longevity research and its social and policy implications.

The meeting will take place in Bar Ilan University, in the Katz Building (Building 604), Room 101 (and not in the Students’ house as was announced earlier). The entrance is free.

In the program

12.00-12.30 – Dr. Ilia Stambler (Israeli Longevity Alliance). The aging process as the root of chronic age-related diseases: Implications for science and public health policy

12.30-13.15 – Dr. Yaakov Ben Shaul (Israeli Longevity Alliance). Functional assessment for the question of continuing employment at the retirement age

13.30 – 14.00 – Free discussion of the ways we can promote the awareness of aging and longevity research and its social and policy implications

Looking forward to seeing you there

Entrance is free

Ilia Stambler

Longevity Research Program is Established in Israel


On March 26, 2014, there took place in BarIlan University the conference entitled – “Biology of Longevity and Quality of Life” which was also widely promoted under the title “Pathways to Healthy Longevity”. The conference was held as a part of the celebrations of Israel Science Day, under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Science.

The conference gathered some of the foremost experts in Israel on biology of aging and longevity. Over 200 people attended. Special thanks go to Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation, who was the guest of honor and key note speaker at the conference and the accompanying events of the Israel Science Day, on the special Invitation from the Ministry of Science.

(See the conference program

This was the largest conference in Israel so far on biology of aging and longevity in terms of attendance. The conference was followed by a series of public events, mini-conferences and media appearances within the framework of the Israel Science Day.

The media responses to the conference and generally to the topic of longevity research and increasing healthy lifespan were very extensive and extremely positive (despite some exaggerated titles). Some of the media responses are listed here, including:


Israel Hayom

Galei Zahal

Altogether, the conference, the public events and the media coverage raised unprecedented interest in the topic of biology of aging and longevity in Israel, both in the professional research community and the broad lay public. The broad public promotion was accompanied by extensive networking within the professional research community and with decision makers, particularly at the Ministry of Science.

I am happy to report that the advocacy efforts bore fruit!

Recently, the Israel Ministry of Science established a research program entitled “The development of scientific and technological infrastructure in the area: science, technology and innovation for the sake of the elderly”. The call for research proposals is included in the link below. The program budget for the year 2015 is set up to 15 million shekels (about $4.2 million). The program includes 3 major areas: 1) Technology, 2) Life Sciences and Medical Sciences, 3) Social and Behavioral Science – for the sake of the elderly.

The Technology area includes such topics as Information and Communication Technologies, Nano-medicine (diagnosis and treatment), Medical robotics, Bioengineering and more. The Life Sciences and Medical Sciences area includes such topics as cell and molecular biology, immunology, brain research, specific and personalized diagnosis for the elderly and more. The Social and Behavioral Sciences area includes such topics as improving social participation and status of the elderly, their cognitive and mental state, socio-economic and public health evaluation and planning and more.

The call for proposals encourages research and development aiming at practical applications or having the potential to become practical applications for the sake of the elderly. Furthermore, it encourages inter-disciplinary research. Thus, submissions can be made in one of the three areas, or their combinations (2 or 3 areas at once).  Grants will be given for 3 years. If submitting in one area by a single research group, the grant is said to be up to NIS 500,000 (~$ 138,000), if in 2 areas – up to NIS 1.2 million (~$ 333,000) and if in 3 areas – up to NIS 2 million (~$ 555,000). The grants are said to be for Israeli researchers. Submissions deadline is October 27, 2014.

Complete instructions can be found at this link:

See also:

Congratulations to everybody on this highly positive development for longevity research!

Thanks to all who are daily contributing to its success!

Yet, clearly this is just one step on the road. Beside the improved ability to conduct research, the establishment of the Israeli Longevity Research program proves beyond any doubt: Advocacy works! Raising massive public awareness combined with reaching out to the professional community and decision makers can produce tangible support for aging and longevity research!

Hoping for more advocacy efforts and collaborations in order that the scientific biological and medical research and technological development aimed for improving the healthy longevity of the elderly – will receive the foremost place in the Israeli and International research and development agenda. The growing aging population and the rapid development of science and technology dictate the foremost place for longevity science.

Sincerely yours,

Ilia Stambler

אקדמאיים שמתעניינים בהארכת חיים – דף קשר

אם אתם עוסקים/קשורים במחקר מדעי, ורוצים שאנשים המתעניינים בהארכת חיים ידעו שאתם קיימים, אנא השאירו את פרטיכם כאן.
בהמשך אני אפרסם כאן את פרטי הקשר של האנשים אשר ימלאו את הטופס.
אנא הפיצו הלאה לחבריכם.

שעה של דוקומנטרי: Living Forever: The Longevity Revolution

This video features Kevin Perrott in a documentary that follows him in a search for the latest methods for extending healthy longevity and what scientific evidence tells us what aging will look like in the future. Narrated by acclaimed biogerontologist Michael Rose with appearances by Ray Kurzweil, Greg Fahy, Terry Grossman and many others.

אוברי דה-גריי ב- YNET

"מה הייתם אומרים אילו היינו מספרים לכם שאפשר לנצח את הזיקנה ואפילו את המוות? החוקר והסופר אוברי דה גריי אומר שמה שנשמע לנו כמו מדע בדיוני מתקרב להפוך למציאות"

אוברי דה-גרי הוא האיש שהצית בי לפני שנים רבות את התקווה להארכת חיים רדיקאלית.
שמעתי אותו כעת מתראיין ל- YNET, ומה שמעניין באוברי (בעיני), היא לא העבודה המדעית שלו, אלא דווקא העבודה השיווקית שלו.
מדובר במישהו שהתנסה באינספור עימותים ודיונים פוליטיים, מדעיים ופילוסופיים סביב הנושא של הארכת חיים רדיקאלית. והדרך שבה הוא בוחר להציג את הנושא מרתקת בעיני.

בתמצות: הוא מסית את השאלה מ- "האם לדעתך אנשים צריכים לחיות 1000 שנה", לשאלה "האם אני מאמין שצריך להשאיר אנשים בריאים". מרגע שהוא מסית את השאלה לבריאות (ורפואה), הוא מנטרל אוטומאטית את החיבור שאנשים עושים בין אריכות חיים לבין איכות חיים רדודה בזיקנה.
דבר שני שהוא עושה, זה הוא מתמקד בזכויות של אנשים לחיים בריאים, בעודו משאיר את הדיונים על "איך יהיה מקום לכולם" ו- "זה לא טיבעי" וכו' – לשיחות שצריכות להתמודד מול זכות לבריאות (שזו זכות שהרבה אנשים מאמינים בה לא מעט).

להמשיך לקרוא אוברי דה-גריי ב- YNET

Conference "The Biology of Longevity and Quality of Life" – Bar Ilan – March 26 – Israel Science Day

Bar Ilan March 26 Biology of Longevity English

Program PDF

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to invite you to the conference "The Biology of Longevity and Quality of Life" that will take place on Israel Science Day, March 26, in Bar Ilan University, in the Mintz Auditorium (Building 403). The conference will feature some of the recent Israeli and International research on aging, and experimental ways of its postponement and extension of healthy lifespan.

Attached please find the conference program. The attendance is free.

Please forward this invitation to your mailing lists.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

The organizing committee

Prof. Haim Cohen – Bar Ilan University
Dr. Ilia Stambler – Bar Ilan University

Program PDF

The Conference Program

The Biology of Longevity and Quality of Life

Gathering 09:30-10:00
Prof. Haim Cohen – Bar Ilan University, Conference opening 10:00-10:10
Introductory Panel
Prof. Gregory Livshits – Tel Aviv University, Genetics, Genomics and Metabolomics of Muscular Mass Variation 10:10-10:40
Prof. Esther Priel – Ben Gurion University,   A possible novel therapeutic approach for healthy longevity using telomerase increasing compounds 10:40-11:10
Keren Yizhak – Tel Aviv University, Model-based identification of drug targets that revert disrupted metabolism and its application to aging 11:10-11:40

11.40-12.50 – Break

The Central Panel

Prof. Benjamin Ehrenberg – Bar Ilan University, Vice President for Research, Panel opening 13:00-13:10
Prof. Nurit Yirmiya – Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Science, Greetings to the participants 13:10-13:20
Dr. Aubrey de Grey – SENS Research Foundation (US),Keeping people healthy in old age with regenerative medicine 13:20-13:40
Prof. Haim Cohen – Bar Ilan University, Extending healthy lifespan by SIRT6 13:40-13:50
Prof. Gil Atzmon – Haifa University, 100 the New 70 13:50-14:00
Dr. Nirit Lev – Rabin Medical Center, Recent developments in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of old age 14:00-14:10
Dr. Sivan Korenblit – Bar Ilan University, An ageless task: resolving the stress of misfolded proteins 14:10-14:20
Dr. Ilia Stambler – Bar llan University, The need for public awareness and support of longevity research 14:20-14:30

Closing Panel 

Dr. Yael Heifetz – Hebrew University, Aging and Reproduction – Old Flies’ Stories 15:00-15:30
Prof. Yosef Gruenbaum – Hebrew University, The crosstalk between aging, metabolism and lamins 15:30-16:00
Dr. Aubrey de GreyDiscussion, The importance of a research effort in the biology of aging and healthy lifespan extension 16:00-16:30


Entrance is free

(הירשמו כמנויים – וקבלו עידכונים על מאמרים חדשים ואירועים)