Dear friends
I am happy to report about the 9th seminar on transhumanism and life-extension that took place in Bar-Ilan University yesterday, May 14. This was a special event for our group, as the seminars have been renewed after a prolonged break, with a record number of about 30 attendees.
(People in the picture are those who remained for lunch 🙂
Tal Galili presented a round of Transhumanist Frequently Asked Questions, both questions of feasibility and social implications, which raised a passionate debate.
Kochi Cohen reported on the Fourth Conference of the Strategies for Engineering Negligible Senescence (SENS), Cambridge, England, 2009, which she attended:
Ilia Stambler presented on the “Ideological motivations for life-extension,” asking the question: “Which form of society is most conducive to longevity research?” based on an historical investigation (but without an answer). The presentation was a summary of the article “Life-extension – a conservative enterprise?” published in Journal of Evolution and Technology:
Many thanks to everybody, the presenters and the attendees! And special thanks to Dr. Oren Harman, chair of the Department of Science, Technology and Society of Bar Ilan University for his kind encouragement!
The seminars have been renewed following increasing interest in the subject after the publication of the article “Technological acceleration will lead to an evolutionary change of man” with the participation of members of our group, in Haaretz, one of Israel’s leading newspapers, which was the first publication on the subject in mainstream Israeli media:
The members of the Israeli transhumanist group continue to make news. A couple of days ago, on May 11, an article was published in Humanity Plus Magazine, entitled “Israel’s value to Transhumanism,” featuring members of our group: Danny Belkin, Frida Fuchs, Ilia Stambler and Adi Berman. Special thanks to Shanee Nishry for her help 🙂’s-value-transhumanism
Looking forward to renewed, continued activity!
More information can be found at our site:
And discussion group: